Saturday, May 25, 2013

Let the adventure begin!

"Goodbyes" and "See ya later's" never get easy no matter how many times you say them or how long/short the trip will be. This morning was a hard one as I cried and hugged everyone saying "see you in 10 weeks". I know that there are some wonderful things set in store for me this summer while I am in Chin@. I have been a huge ball of emotions this last week as I am nervous, scared, excited, and happy about my trip. As I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight I am thinking about what is waiting for me on the other side. The smiles of the babies, seeing old friends, and just the feeling of getting this adventure started. But the other side of me is thinking about those I left on the other side of check- in and their sweet faces. How I miss them so much already and I just want one more hug. 

Over the next several weeks I will be posting pictures from my trip. But I do have one special type of pictures I will posting. Nicolas and I made "Flat Nicolas" and "Flat Stephanie" so that we can take each other on our adventures around while we are apart. I am going to try and make a file of just the Flat Nicolas pictures but I am sure that everyone will have fun following where he is going next! 

Well, I need to close out and get ready for my flight. Lots of love and the next posting will come out once I have arrived! 


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