Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 17,2013

It has been a busy week! We have had different visitors and teams coming and going. I am thankful for the blessing on being busy because it helps pass my “free” time faster. It is also nice to have other people around that speak English. We currently have a group of 11 here for a few days. They are such hard workers I am running out of various projects for them. I am SO thankful for all the work they have done over the last 2 days.

This week and preschool class we are starting alphabet books for all the kids. We are doing different types of artwork for each letter. I am excited about this new project and I hope they all have finished books or almost finished books before they leave. ( I don’t know of any kids leaving anytime soon, but you never know when it is going to happen.)

Today was super special in the sense that I got to be a part of telling a little boy from my class that he has a family! This is such a blessing for him and it was fun giving him the goodies from his family. Please pray for him as he is trying to understand the news and for his friends that are still waiting to have a forever family find them. For right now I can’t post any pictures of this event or share any name details. So just know that it is one of my handsome little boys from my class!

Another exciting thing is that one of my little ones that has been working on walking took a couple of steps to me today!!! I was so excited. I was able to have someone record a video later on of him taking a few more steps. I will try and get it posted up somewhere so that ya’ll will be able to see! I was so excited, now to just keep working on taking a few more steps alone each day. I have no doubt that this little man will be running by the end of summer.

This is week is kinda bitter sweet for me, as this is my last week of class before I head off for 2 weeks on my visa run. I finally have them on a bit of a schedule and I know we are going to have to start all over again when I return. Hopefully they will be on their best behavior for the other volunteer that will have just arrived before I leave. I am excited about heading to Korea and telling everyone about the sweet faces of New Hope and different ways they can help from afar or come on their own trips.

I would love to hear from you my readers on the different things you would like to hear about from my trip! I would love some different ideas as I don’t want my blog to sound the same each week! Thank you all for your love and support!


Rainbow out my window

My room 

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